Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Climate myths: Hurricane Katrina was caused by global warming

The chaotic nature of weather makes it impossible to prove that any single event such as Hurricane Katrina is due to global warming. It is also impossible to prove that global warming did not play a part, so debates about the causes of individual events are futile.

It is possible, however, to determine whether global warming is increasing the frequency or intensity of extreme events. It is a bit like throwing dice: getting one six proves nothing, but if sixes keep coming up more often than the other numbers, you know the dice is loaded.

So is global warming loading the dice when it comes to tropical cyclones (also known as hurricanes and typhoons in different parts of the world)? A host of atmospheric factors have to be just right for a cyclone form and grow. Sea surface temperatures play a big role and they are steadily increasing.

But the temperature difference between the sea surface and the air also matters, and global warming might have little effect on this. Then there is the question of how warming will affect factors that weaken storms such as high level winds that chop off the top of developing hurricanes, an effect called wind shear (see Wind shear may cancel climate's effect on hurricanes).
Increasing intensity

General climate models are not detailed enough to accurately predict the effects of warming on hurricane activity. Instead, modellers have tried to feeding in predictions from general models to detailed regional models of hurricanes. This has produced some widely varying results, but the consensus among experts is that global warming will not lead more hurricanes overall, but will increase the average intensity of storms.

A growing number of studies of hurricane records suggest this trend can already be seen. In 2005, for instance, Kerry Emanuel at MIT published a research suggesting that tropical cyclones in the West Pacific and Atlantic have become more powerful over the past 50 years. That same year, another study concluded that the frequency of the strongest tropical cyclones has almost doubled globally since the early 1970s.

There are problems with such studies. For starters, tropical cyclone activity in some regions seems to rise and fall in cycles lasting many decades. "This variability makes detecting any long-term trends in tropical cyclone activity difficult" concluded the 125 members of a World Meteorological Organisation international workshop on tropical cyclones and climate change, held in December 2006 (see pdf report).

Researchers studying past activity are also only too aware of the shortcomings of the databases. For example, the techniques for measuring storm intensity have changed dramatically over the past 30 years. On the fundamental question of whether global warming is affecting tropical cyclones, the WMO group decided: "no firm conclusion can be made at this point".
Stalagmites and coral

More data is needed settle the issue. Some are looking to natural records of past hurricane activity in stalagmites, lake deposits and coral rubble. Others are re-analysing existing databases. In February 2007, one such re-analysis concluded that over the past two decades, hurricane intensity has increased in the Atlantic but not in other parts of the world (pdf format).

Yet another complicating factor is that changes in climate can also change the paths that tropical cyclones tend to take, determining whether they remain over oceans or strike land.

What every one agrees on is that over the past few decades there has been a huge rise in the number of people being killed or injured by hurricanes, and in damage to infrastructure, and this trend looks set to continue. The main reason for this, however, is that more and more people are living and building in hurricane zones.

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