Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pumping the Heat Without All the Energy

I’ve had enough with the ebb and flow of the world’s volatile oil markets, causing the price of home heating oil to bounce around like a tweety bird. There is nothing worse than being faced with purchasing $4 a gallon heating oil or freezing to death. At that price -10 degrees becomes sweater weather.

As a result, I’ve taken a completely different approach to heating my house this year. Wood burning stove! That’s right, Cave man style. A cast iron box, a few cords of firewood, and I’m ready for another never ending war in the Middle East, record setting hurricane season, and pirates from Ethiopia.

Wood burning stoves are great options for many reasons. But there are a few negatives: Dispersing the heat from the stove throughout a house can be difficult, noisy, and potentially expensive with the cost of running an electric fan. The folks at Caframo have created a heat powered stove fan. “The Ecofan generates its own electricity through difference in temperature without the use of batteries or plugs. The base of the fan rests on the top of your gas, wood, or oil burning iron stove where the heat temperatures must exceed 150°F. As the base heats up, the difference in temperature between the hot base and cool top of the fan creates static electricity which is directed to the small motor that powers the blades.”

These fans are little, but they can generate up to 150 CFM of moving air. Not bad for being 9 inches tall, 4 inches wide and virtually silent while operating. They come with a few different finishes to match your home décor.

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