Wednesday, March 24, 2010

When Winter Returns, Cut Energy While Staying Warm

Using a small and efficient space heater instead of central heating can save a lot of money by allowing you to heat localized areas while appropriately neglecting others. There is no point in heating your living room when you are sleeping is there? Well, maybe you’ve been kicked out of the bedroom, but that advice column is for another website. The point is that eliminating the energy wasted on unused space is a great way to cut utility bills and, more importantly, save electricity.

A small unit mounted on wheels can be easily moved from room to room along with you while still being powerful enough to heat large areas. For example, the Honeywell HZ-315 weighs just under 3.5 pounds but can pump out 1,500 watts of efficiently distributed heat. This model also costs only $25 (USD). Honeywell space heaters come well recommended but really are indicative of what is available in general. Your local home supply store should have a variety of makes and models that are roughly the same power to cost ratio.

With the central heating turned off and your cozy space heater cranked up, you’ll be saving utility money every second you sleep. I estimate that your space heater will pay for itself after a single month of winter use.

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