Monday, December 28, 2009

The Grey Himalayas

What image conjures up in your head when you think - Himalaya?

I think big pristine mountains… White and green merging with the blue…mountain and sky fused …Sometimes I wonder what our ancestors would have seen…what would have Tenzin Norway seen and felt…?

Reality seems to indicate that what they would have seen would be drastically different from what we may get to see today. And then I wonder what my children will get to see? Brown and black merging with the grey…?

Even the tremendous giants are in trouble. Not just passionate irrational environmentalists are stating this but even the hardcore scientists are stating this fact. Our Himalayas, as we know them, are in big trouble. Who would’ve thought anything could happen to them? But we measly humans unfortunately in such large numbers and with industrialised fire power have done the trick. We have so ceaselessly pumped gases into the atmosphere that even the invincible Himalayas are not being able to defend themselves. Should we expect them to just adapt? I actually think we cannot afford to expect this; we should not even hope for this.

Reports say the Ganga which comes out of the Himalayas from the Gangotri glacier will become a seasonal river flowing only in the monsoons by 2035! While I worry about the far future of what my children will see (cause I don’t plan to have any, anytime soon), the people presently who live by the Ganga depend on it for their livelihood and water source – what will happen to them? What’s happening to them now?

The Himalayas have the largest number of glaciers apart from the polar caps so we are not only talking about the Gangotri glacier being in danger but many glaciers.

Can’t we all see it’s got to stop!

A world without the Himalayas or any other natural creation would be a world without beauty – and dare I say a world without beauty would be no more worth fighting for…

Our time is now…

We’ve got to find better ways of living on our planet. We’ve got to realise that we have to share. We’ve got to learn how to protect all that exists around us.

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