Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to reuse your toilet?

We all know the 3R’s mantra by now and the fact that they are in the order of reduce, reuse, recycle for a reason.

Reducing saves more resources than reusing, which saves more resources than recycling.

We’ve covered a lot of reuse ideas on our site, such as turning old plastic bottles into slug deterrents, making seedling pots from toilet roll inners, reusing glass jars, and then we talk about more simple things such as reusing envelopes and packaging.

All of these can save landfill waste, resources and help save us money.

It’s the really ‘think outside the box’ ideas, however, that capture my imagination. The ideas that are born from a moment of creativity or inspiration.

A couple of weeks ago, I talked about Junktion, who take ‘junk’ out of context and create unique, stylish and functional items from it; such as their reading lamp created from an old telephone. While on holiday in Devon we saw a washing machine drum used as a planter, Mrs A has done all sorts of pretty things in her garden with old plastic wheel barrows and wellies, but our friend Sarah from Ethics Trading has really taken things one step further with her toilet habits.

When her toilet was taken out of her home, she didn’t send it to the landfill.

Neither did she have it crushed to make a new road.

No, she kept it and grew strawberries in it.

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How to reuse your toilet

July 29, 2009 in section: Blog by Mrs Green with 2684 views
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Share your innovative reuse ideas with us!

Share your innovative reuse ideas with us!

We all know the 3R’s mantra by now and the fact that they are in the order of reduce, reuse, recycle for a reason.

Reducing saves more resources than reusing, which saves more resources than recycling.

We’ve covered a lot of reuse ideas on our site, such as turning old plastic bottles into slug deterrents, making seedling pots from toilet roll inners, reusing glass jars, and then we talk about more simple things such as reusing envelopes and packaging.

All of these can save landfill waste, resources and help save us money.

It’s the really ‘think outside the box’ ideas, however, that capture my imagination. The ideas that are born from a moment of creativity or inspiration.

A couple of weeks ago, I talked about Junktion, who take ‘junk’ out of context and create unique, stylish and functional items from it; such as their reading lamp created from an old telephone. While on holiday in Devon we saw a washing machine drum used as a planter, Mrs A has done all sorts of pretty things in her garden with old plastic wheel barrows and wellies, but our friend Sarah from Ethics Trading has really taken things one step further with her toilet habits.

When her toilet was taken out of her home, she didn’t send it to the landfill.

Neither did she have it crushed to make a new road.

No, she kept it and grew strawberries in it.
Sarah from Ethics Trading; I wouldn't ask to use the toilet if I were you

Sarah from Ethics Trading; I wouldn't ask to use the toilet if I were you

I mean, who wouldn’t?

I’d love to hear some of your creative reuse ideas! And if you’re on to something good, why not head over to Peter’s Junkk site; you might be able to win a prize for your suggestions!


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