Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Not the FAB deal we need, so we must fight on

The Copenhagen Accord is not the fair, ambitious and binding deal that the millions of us from around the world told our political leaders we wanted.

The outcome of this two year process does not set scientific-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nor does it provide the required funding for developing nations to transition to a clean energy economy and adapt to the impending negative effects of climate change, like floods and droughts.

Our world leaders chose national political self-interest over the fate of future generations and failed to resolve the issues blocking the road towards a just outcome. While this deal cannot be judged as a success, it is impossible to be without hope.

Organizations from around the world, representing a diversity of issues, came together to form an unprecedented alliance under the TckTckTck banner – including development, human rights, environment, religious and youth groups, trade unions and scout groups. The campaign touched millions of people, in hundreds of countries around the world.

Over the last two weeks while leaders were dithering an additional 5 million people joined the TckTckTck campaign, resulting in a total of 15 million voices calling for a fair, ambitious and legally binding deal.

Since September we have seen 3 world days of action involving millions of everyday people from all over the world, and on Dec. 12th in Copenhagen 100,000 marched together to demand the real deal we we need to avoid the worst effects of climate change.

This voice cannot be ignored by world leaders for much longer and they know it. Our leaders still have a chance to get it right. They must realize that we expect, and that we will not accept any less.

They’re not done yet. Neither are we.

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