Thursday, July 30, 2009

Climate campaign 'One tonne less'

The 'One tonne less' campaign encourages the Danish citizens to reduce their personal CO2 emissions. Thousands have already taken the first step.
Campaign idea
The awareness-raising climate campaign ‘One Tonne Less’ aims at informing the Danish citizens that CO2 emissions are caused by our way of life – and that we are all responsible for reducing our own CO2 emissions. One of the fundamental messages of the campaign is that this can be done without waving goodbye to our modern way of life – all we need to do is to change some of our everyday habits.

Download the Brochure for Climate Campaign

Calculate your own CO2 emission
Considering that it is necessary for people to understand that the personal climate challenge is measurable and controllable a program on the campaign’s website enables individuals to calculate their own CO2 emissions, set up an action plan, and then see how much they can reduce their CO2 emissions by implementing the plan.

Making a pledge for the climate
The focal points for taking personal action are in the fields of electricity, heating, consumption and transportation, and a lot of people have welcomed the challenge of reducing their personal CO2 emissions. The progressively increasing number of pledges can be seen on the campaign website (Danish version only).

Communication through partnerships
One of the unique features of the ‘One Tonne Less’ campaign is its partnerships with a range of companies, institutions, municipalities and NGOs. Through the conjoint effort in these public-private partnerships the campaign has managed to spread its message to areas that would otherwise have been difficult to reach.

So far more than 80,000 people have made a pledge to reduce their emissions of CO2

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