Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Get Fitter Feel Better

Try walking more.
Try taking the stairs, not the lift.
Or walking up escalators.

Obesity is turning into a massive problem in the developed world. One suggestion from doctors is to do something simple like walk up a couple of flights of stairs every day.

Although, if you are obese, you're not going to want to do this because inevitably you'll sweat a lot. Which will draw attention to the very thing you're trying to deal with.

So much for doctors.

But try walking as much as you can do.

If that's only from the dessert trolley to the cheese board and back again - well, that's a starter.

Well, no it isn't - it's a pudding. But you get the idea.

You could even get yourself a trendy pedometer that measures how many steps you take so you can measure just how little you currently walk. Then start by walking more, to school, for example and who knows, it may develop into a gentle jog occasionally, which could become a weekly run and before you know it you'll be giving the Ethiopeans a run for their money
Take action
If you like the action, why not give it a go? We don't want you to spend hours trying to find out how to get started on each action, so we've got some ideas here.

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