Sunday, July 26, 2009

Turn off appliances at the main

The average TV is left on standby for 17.5 hours a day, and secondary TVs average at 21.5 hours per day. This means that over the course of a year every household, with 2 TVs, will waste a whopping 35 KWh/ year - that's the same amount of energy a car uses to drive 25 miles!

According to the Energy Saving Trust, over the course of a year, a video recorder on standby uses 85% as much energy as it uses playing a tape.

Changing that little "standby" light on the front of something from green to red doesn't actually do you -or the planet - much good.

Mobile phone chargers left plugged in when not charging waste massive amounts of power. Unless you turn it off at the wall it's still costing you money and wasting energy.

If everyone in the UK turned off their TV overnight it would save more than £66 million worth of in electricity each year, which would floodlight 250,000 Premiership football matches.

Take action
If you like the action, why not give it a go? We don't want you to spend hours trying to find out how to get started on each action, so we've got some ideas here.

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