Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Buy fairly traded products

Fairtrade products guarantee to give the real producers a fair share of the profits.

Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world.

You'll see all sorts of Fairtrade products in the shops - from bananas to coffee. The FAIRTRADE Mark appears on more than 300 retail products. You may suggest your local supermarket stocks some of them. So, if you buy a Fairtrade banana, you can be proud of your banana.

And there are few feelings in this world that are better than being proud of your banana.

Take action
If you like the action, why not give it a go? We don't want you to spend hours trying to find out how to get started on each action, so we've got some ideas here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for explaining Fair Trade in layman’s terms and spreading the importance of it! We’ve recently brought to market an eco-certified line of sports balls that are certified Fair Trade as well. Please feel free to stop by our blog at fairtradesports.com to learn more about us. Thank you for the post!
