Friday, August 28, 2009

Give your Change to Charity

If we all put our change in charity tins the world would be a lot better off.

So the next time you buy something priced between 95p and 99p stick the difference in the tin. Simple. If everyone in the UK did that with just 1p a week it adds up to £300m a year. Wow. That's a lot of money.

Someone worked out that in the UK alone there is currently about £15m of loose change which needs to be removed from circulation (most of it in sock drawers and old whisky bottles presumably).

If you have your own stash at home now is the time to hand it over. So instead of just a drawer of smelly pennies doing nothing you can actually give them a role in life. Foreign money works well too, as proven by the BA sponsored Change for Good campaign for Unicef. They've raised over £16m.

Maybe you could start a 'Make a change' event at work. Maybe you could check down the side of your own sofa first.

Take action
If you like the action, why not give it a go? We don't want you to spend hours trying to find out how to get started on each action, so we've got some ideas here.

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