Thursday, August 13, 2009

Recycle your computer

There's nothing new with the concept of recycling stuff. Except that computers are slightly heavier to carry down the high street than a bag of last night's beer bottles.

So, if you've got a computer you don't need anymore, contact or and they'll organise for it to be passed on to those who can make good use of it.

Imagine the joy a seven-year-old in the Third World would feel if they could play with the mightiest thing ever invented. The thing you currently use to play "Minesweeper" and visit dating sites. It also gives you just the excuse you needed to trade up to the Hoki Koki 12000 you've had your eye on.

Take action
If you like the action, why not give it a go? We don't want you to spend hours trying to find out how to get started on each action, so we've got some ideas here.

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