Thursday, October 14, 2010

Eco-Friendly Clothing To Save The Earth

Technology, industrialisation, plastic money etc, are terms generally associated with development but little do we remember that these same terms are also the cause of ecological degradation. A lot of natural products are exploited for all the modern amenities we enjoy in our day to day life, including our clothes. Today, Earth is endangered with constant exploitation of nature and thus, the term eco-friendly, has gained importance.

For most of us cotton clothes are the definition of eco-friendly clothing but the reality is different. In the process of growing cotton used in our clothes, a lot of pesticide are used which has an inverse effect on the agricultural land. It is also called green clothing and aims at using materials which do not harm the nature and is biodegradable.

Some of the regular products used to make eco-friendly clothing are -

Organic Cotton – There is no use of pesticides, herbicides or insecticides in the process of growing the crop. Plantation of organic cotton is gaining popularity in many parts of the world.

Bamboo Fabric – Such clothes are made out of Bamboo Pulp. It does not need chlorine to bleach it and can be dyed easily with the use of very less amount of water.

Natural Dyes – Usually, harsh chemicals are used to dye the dresses and the same waste is then disposed in rivers and land. This destroys the eco system. Natural dyes on the other hand uses natural products like heena, beet root, berries etc, to colour clothes. These do not have any bad effect on the environment and also has grown up to be a fashion trend.

Jute – Jute is yet another product used in eco-friendly clothing. The process of making jute clothes does not demand chemicals. Jute shoes are also a great alternative to leather. Leather, need a lot of chemicals to polish and a smooth finish, unlike jute.

Eco-friendly Clothing In India

Eco-friendly clothing has grown up to be a leading trend among people and specially with Top brands like Van Heusen, Benetton, Wills Lifestyle, Arrow etc, introducing green clothing, the trend is a hit among teenagers.

In India, this trend was heralded by designer Anita Dongre’s label Grassroot, in 2007. Van Heusen's, brand Mudura Garments, launched it's green clothing as an attempt and was an instant hit.

Levi's, famous for their organic jeans in US has now decided to launch the same in India. The jeans will be made out of organic cotton and natural dyes. The button, on the other hand will be made out of coconut shell.

If natural products are used for clothes all cross the globe, it can reduce the natural degradation to a large extent. So, go -green with your dressing, to save the Earth.

1 comment:

  1. hey great post!

    here are some other products to help promote a clean and eco friendly environment:
