Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Govt, UN initiative on encouraging 'green jobs'

Govt, UN initiative on encouraging 'green jobs'
New Delhi: Recognising the importance of jobs that contribute to environment protection, Government and the ILO have come together to organise the first national conference on 'green jobs' here next week to discuss emerging trends and policy options.

It will delve into issues relating to the creation of new green jobs, their adaptation in existing forms of employment and share inspiring cases from India and around the world, said an ILO official, adding the conference will be held on June 24 and 25.

According to the United Nations Environment Program, work in agricultural, manufacturing, research and development, administrative and service activities that contribute substantially to preserving or restoring environmental quality come under green jobs.

The conference will be organised by ILO in collaboration with the labour and employment ministry. ILO is already working with the government for supporting transition to a greener economy with decent jobs.

Other key elements of the conference's agenda, said the ILO official, include employment and labour market implications of environment-related measures and promotion of green jobs in the Indian policy framework.

Besides, the agenda would include promotion of jobs which help in transition to more sustainable economies and societies and sectoral discussions related to renewable energy, waste management and green buildings.

Participants from various government departments, employers' and workers' organisations, international agencies, private sector players, civil society organisations and research institutes are expected to attend the two-day conference, the official said.

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