Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Nokia unveils bicycle charger

Nokia unveils bicycle charger
New Delhi: Nokia unveiled its first bicycle charger targeting consumers with limited access to electricity.

The charger kit consists of a charger, dynamo and a holder to secure the phone to the bike. Priced at about 15 euros (Rs 860), the kit will be available later this year, said a company spokesman.

When the kit is installed, the dynamo - a small electrical generator - uses the movement of the wheels to charge the handset through the standard 2mm charging jack used in most Nokia mobile phones.

"Bicycles are the most widespread means of transport in many markets around the world, so this is just one more benefit to be gained from an activity people are already doing. This is a great solution to a real challenge, whether people will use it due to limited access to electricity, or to be more environmentally responsible," says Alex Lambeek, vice president at Nokia.

Designed for tropical climates the Nokia bicycle charger is humidity and dust resistant.

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