Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Green Jobs

Top 10 green jobs
Here is a list of top 10 "green-collar" job.That combine technology with respect for our environment

1.) Eco-Tourism: Tourism is considered the largest employment sector in the world economy, so it’s no wonder that workers at all levels will become involved in greening the industry. Ecotourism is growing at three times the rate of the overall tourism sector itself. It purports to educate the traveller; provide funds for conservation; directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local communities; and foster respect for different cultures and for human rights.

2.)Organic Farming Specialist: With cutting-edge organic agriculture gaining popularity everywhere, a new type of farmer is emerging. Organic farming is the form of agriculture that relies on crop rotation, green manure, compost, biological pest control, organically approved pesticide application and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and control pests, excluding or strictly limiting the use of synthetic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides, plant growth regulators, livestock antibiotics, food additives, and genetically modified organisms.

3.)Environmental Engineers: Environmental engineering is the application of science and engineering principles to improve the environment (air, water, and/or land resources), to provide healthy water, air, and land for human habitation and for other organisms, and to remediate polluted sites.

4.) Sustainability Consultant:A sustainability consultant is someone who gives advice to businesses on how to make their products as sustainable (usually in an ecological sense) as is required or requested. In particular, they can give advice on the engineering challenges in meeting modern day building standards, such as the LEED Green Building Rating System. Sustainability consultants might also advise a business on how to achieve carbon neutrality.

5.)Urban Planning:Urban planning involves the construction, or sometimes reconstruction, of buildings, transportation systems and so forth. The environmental factor and you will find a number of jobs available.

6.)Solar Power Installer:New developments in solar technologies are now being fuelled by a number of factors such as the increased numbers of low voltage, energy efficient gadgets, mobile PCs and communicators as well as the rising demand for solar powered hot water heating. Installing solar-thermal water heaters and rooftop photovoltaic cells is a relatively high-paying job.

7.)Conservation Biologist: Conservation biology is the scientific study of the nature and status of Earth's biodiversity with the aim of protecting species, their habitats, and ecosystems from excessive rates of extinction. It is an interdisciplinary subject drawing on sciences, economics, and the practice of natural resource management

8.)Wildlife Management: Wildlife management is a general term for the process of keeping wild species at desirable levels which are determined by the wildlife managers. Wildlife management can include game keeping, wildlife conservation and pest control. Wildlife management has become an integrated science using disciplines such as mathematics, chemistry, biology, ecology, climatology and geography to gain the best results

9.) Emission Management: As companies shift to newer, greener ways of working, there will be a period of transition. The process includes an initial survey, analysis and presentation of recommendations, design and specification of reduction equipment, project financing support, installation, commissioning and ongoing energy monitoring.

10.)Recycling Specialists:As the public and private sectors of the recycling industry grow, it’s going to become more and more critical to be on the cutting edge of recycling techniques, That’s why it is essential that we recycle and reuse as much as possible, limiting waste and improving efficiency.

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