Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Care Awards 2010!

The Times of India in association with JSW organises the "Earth Care Awards 2010"

The Earth Care Awards is unique and is aimed at highlighting action of direct relevance to India to tackle challenges posed by climate change.

The award is for excellence in climate change mitigation and adaptation. This is in response to the recently growing consciousness about issues associated with climate change and that it is important to identify and foster locally evolved options to reduce missions, approaches to protect land and water resources and other innovations for reducing impacts, emphasizing appropriate environmental action. The present second edition of the award will focus on three important areas, signifying action by industries, collaborative action by industry and community and by individuals covering a wide range of stakeholders.

Award Categories:

* Community based Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate change with respect to Water resources, Land use, Land use-Change and Forestry
* Innovation for Climate protection
* GHG mitigation in Small & Medium and Large Enterprises.

As far as I am concern the award might go to ITC. ITC has been ‘Carbon Positive’ four years in a row (sequestering/ storing twice the amount of CO2 that the Company emits.

To apply visit or you can write to

Application deadline is 30 May 2010

Finally I am happy that India is thnking about going Green and sustainability.
Jai ho! India!!!

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