Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Solar Powered Air Conditioners Coming To US Homes (Soon!)

Solar Powered Air Conditioners Coming To US Homes (Soon!)

Even though we are nearing the end of Summer, in many cities and states heat is still bearing down at full throttle.

And most homes in the US use air conditioners to cool off. In fact, most Americans use air conditioners to the tune of 16% of the total energy in the US. So obviously this is a huge market in the HVAC niche, which environmentalists and green minded entrepreneurs are rushing off to make more eco friendly. I don’t foresee anytime soon a plethora of middle Americans dumping their A/C, as this has been the norm for too long and most don’t know what to replace their A/C with. But there is growing awareness of the need to use less energy and to at least try energy-efficient cooling systems, and Americans are starting to seriously pay attention to this big energy hog.

However there is good news. A company named ChromaSun is making strides in this area and has a prototype in the works to bring a highly efficient earth-friendly air conditioner to US homes.

Their first revolutionary product is a Solar Powered Air Conditioner. This 10 foot long by 4 foot wide box (for lack of a better word) would cost about $15.52 a kilowatt hour to operate compared to $27.69 for an electrical air conditioner. And would cool off an average 1,500 square foot room with ease, according to ChromaSun. As the name suggests, the a/c would be powered by the Sun. The light from the sun would be converted to heat, which would then be converted to electricity. So you could potentially (very soon) cool off your home entirely off-grid. Or mostly off-grid anyway.

The cost has not yet been determined, nor a release date set on this solar-powered air conditioner, but keep an eye on ChromaSun—as they have a pulse on this massive and exciting industry.

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