Thursday, April 22, 2010

World People's Conference on Climate Change

The World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, better known by its Spanish acroynm CMPCC, is a conference organized by the Bolivian government to be held in Cochabamba, Bolivia April 19-22, 2010. The event will also be webcast online by OneClimate and the Global Campaign for Climate Action (GCCA)in Copenhagen during the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP 15) climate meetings in December 2009.

One of the Cochabamba conference's stated objectives is to provide an alternative platform for civil society and governments to discuss climate change issues, and specifically to produce proposals for new commitments to the Kyoto Protocol and projects in the lead-up to the next UN climate negotiations scheduled during the COP 16 meeting in Mexico in December 2010.

Other objectives of the conference in Cochabamba include the drafting of a Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth, the organization of a People's World Referendum on Climate Change, and planning the establishment of a Climate Justice Tribunal.

The conference is being webcast live by OneClimate.

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