Friday, April 16, 2010

Toyota Highlander FCHV-adv: Travel 431 Miles On A Single Tank of H2.

It’s going be hard for Ford, Cadillac and other SUV manufacturers to tout their 18mpg “Green” vehicles in commercials and in print ads once the Toyota Highlander FCHV-adv hits the roadways. A vehicle that can handle 431 miles on a single 6 kilogram tank of H2. A number equal to 68.3 miles/kg when compared to miles per gallon.

According to AutoblogGreen, “Toyota representatives and others drove two FCHV-advs from Torrance to San Diego and back, a 331.5 mile trip, and then calculated how much H2 was left in the 10,000 psi tank.”

It was also announced by a Toyota representative that the company plans on bringing a durable fuel cell vehicle to market by 2015. That’s not even the best news, there are claims that the vehicle will be priced “shockingly low” for consumers.

Currently tests are still underway in California, which means fuel economy may increase at an even greater rate before Toyota releases their first H2 capable automobiles.

So just remember, when commercials are touting 18 miles per gallon SUV’s their about 4 times behind the fold, not to mention the government calls 18mpg vehicles “Clunkers” in their new “CARS” program.

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